Thursday, January 13, 2011

End of Day 4......Am I destined to be FAT????

Am I destined to be fat? That is the question of the century for me. I feel as if everything is going against me. I weighed myself this morning and I have gained 1 pound. Now, I am well aware that your weight fluctuates and there are many things that can play a role but it kills me that I have made such dramatic changes in my diet and Im not seeing any results. Yes, its only been a few days. Yes, I havent been exercising at all. BUT, I went from drinking nothing but sodas and eating a ton of fast food TO drinking nothing but water and eating grilled chicken and veggies. WTF!!!!!!

Not only am I struggling with the whole food situation but I also suffer from something called PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) which pretty much makes me put on weight, makes it impossible to lose weight, makes it impossible to conceive and increases my blood sugar. Another thing I need to try to control. UGH! Im just all around frustrated with the situation.

On a lighter note. This is my plan. I plan on continuing what I am doing with my diet. I ordered the Kinect for XBOX and I am also getting an elliptical this weekend. That should take care of my exercise. I have to realize that I didnt gain all this weight overnight and I am certainly not going to lose it overnight either. It would be nice though--lol. Sure, I have a few things fighting against me but anything worth having is worth fighting for and I intend to fight for this.

So, Am I destined to be FAT?? Nope! If there is anything I can control in this life I am l living, it is my weight and I intend to take control. I foresee me being a happier, healthier and more confident me in the future.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

End of Day 3.......

Here I am at the end of my 3rd day on my journey and I feel like crap. For some strange reason I feel like I wont lose anything this week. If that is the case then i am going to flip out.

Let me elaborate on the craziness I just typed........

I have made a huge change in my life in the past 3 days as far as my diet is concerned. I have dramatically changed my eating habits.

Example: Normally I wouldnt eat anything all day except for dinner and that would usually consist of some type of fast food. Now I wake up and have breakfast, then a snack, then lunch, then dinner and then a snack. In between all that i drink a lot of water.

Now, the reason I feel horrible is because I feel like all I am doing is eating all day. Granted, my caloric intake is way less now while I eat all day as opposed to the one meal I was eating which was probably all my calories times 10. Im afraid I am not going to see results and I am easily discouraged.

Believe me when I tell you that I am well aware that this is just my first week but if I dont see the scale going down I am afraid I am going to get discouraged. UGH!!! This blog entry is probably completely useless and a waste of my time but whatever.

Ok, in a nut shell, I have been eating well the past few days. I havent exercised as much as I would like to and we will just have to wait and see what the scale says. Goodnight!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

End of Day 2........

Hello everyone. Here I am as day 2 of my journey comes to a close, feeling happy yet sad.

I am happy because I did pretty well today with my eating. Breakfast was a success and lunch I feel could have been a little better but not bad and dinner went well. As far as my water intake, I just need 1 more glass of water to reach my goal but I will probably have at least 2 more before bed. So all in all it was a successful day but why am I sad you ask?

Yesterday I started the C25K program and it requires you to do it 3 days a week with a day of rest in between each day. Needless to say I purposely chose to do it Monday, Wednesday and Fridays. Now, I am the type of person that hates doing things out of order or changing things up once I start. It makes me feel like its not going to work or like I have to start all over again so that its perfect. Im crazy, I know. Well, here in New Jersey, we are expecting a huge snow storm through the night into tomorrow. Expecting 20 inches. 20 INCHES!?!?!? Are you kidding me. Im not going to be able to go on my run tomorrow. Now what? Do I start my program all over again next week? Do I continue when I can? GRRRRRRR! So frustrating. I hate it.

Ok, I feel a little bit better now that I vented, but it still aggravates me that I cant just follow the plan as scheduled. I guess there are worse things right--lol. Im praying that it turns out to be just a bad prediction on the weather mans part (lord knows it wont be the first time they predicted the weather wrong) but my luck we will get 30 instead of 20 inches. UGH!

Enough rambling. Hope everyone had a wonderful day and I will check back in tomorrow. Goodnight!

Monday, January 10, 2011

End of Day 1.........

Today marked the beginning of weight loss journey. It started out a little emotional for me because I had to step on the scale but I quickly pulled myself together and reassured myself that i would make things better. It made me feel disgusted when I looked at the scale and it said 222.4. UGH! How could I let myself get to that point?!?! Well, enough of feeling sorry for myself, this is the plan.

  1. Drink at least 64oz. a day
  2. Exercise 3/wk for 30 min. (C25K)
  3. Eat 3 healthy meals a day and 2 snacks
  4. Count my calorie intake
  5. Sleep between 6 to 8 hours a night
As far as today is concerned, I did very well. This is what my day looked like:

Breakfast: Honey Nut Cheerios w/ Milk
Snack: Blueberry Yogurt
Lunch: Tuna Fish w/ Melba Toast
Dinner: Whole Wheat Pasta w/ Ground Turkey & Pasta Sauce
Snack: Planters Big Nut Bar
Exercise: 31min. Run/Walk (week 1 day 1 of C25K program)
Water: 64oz

I would call that a success. WOOHOO! It feels great to have control again. Now the real challenge is whether I can keep it up or not. LOL! One day at a time and I'm confident I will do well.

Thanks for taking the time to read. Going to bed so that I can get ready for Day 2.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Big Day Tomorow.......

Big things are happening tomorrow. Tomorrow marks the first day of the rest of my life. I will wake up nice and early to weigh in and find out what the "magic number" is. I have to admit I am super nervous. I know I have gained most of the weight I had lost if not all of it and then some. Oh well. New beginnings for me. I cannot let myself dwell on the negative. I just need to focus on making it positive.

With that said, I will be joining a challenge on youtube called "THE WALL". Whoa! Sounds kind of serious huh? I will also be making my first video on youtube discussing my weigh in, my plan and it will also be my entry into the challenge. I think this is going to be lots of fun and also a great way to hold myself accountable.

On top of all that going on, I am hoping I can start my C25K running program tomorrow as well. Am I biting off more than I can chew? No way! I know I can do it if I set my mind to it. Wish me luck guys. I will make my first official post tomorrow. Thanks for taking the time to read my blog! Hasta Manana!

If you would like to check me out on my other sites, here they are:

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Feeling the Excitement!!!

Quick update from yesterday. I am certainly feeling much better than i did yesterday but not quite 100% yet. I have gotten lots of rest and drank lots of OJ and ate lots of soup--lol. Just like the doctor ordered. The doctor being my hubby of course.

Tomorrow I am going food shopping so that I can prepare for my new journey starting bright and early on Monday morning. I am actually very excited about it. The only thing I can do without is stepping on the scale but that is unfortunately one of the more important steps. I have to face the music and know where I am starting. Regardless of what the scale reads, one thing I know for sure, that is the last time I will weigh what it says I weigh.

Well, I am off to bed to get some more rest. I cant wait to hit the supermarket tomorrow to get some healthy food. Woohoo. Goodnight and thanks again for taking the time to read my blog. Hasta Manana!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Sick, Sick, Sick.......

I find it kind of ironic that in my last post I mentioned how I vowed to blog every single day whether it be "the good, the bad or the ugly." Then I wake up yesterday morning feeling like I was being strangled to death. I could barely breathe. I called my husband at work in a panic and he rushed home. Turns out that Uvula (the dangly thing in the back of your throat) was so swollen that it was giving me trouble swallowing and breathing. Hubby went to the store and bought me some ice cream to help bring the swelling down.

Now, if you are to know anything about mu hubby, is that he is a true work-a-holic. This man will work the day of his funeral if he could. So you can imagine my surprise when he rushed home to take care of me all day. I am such a lucky gal. I love him to pieces.

Anyway. Today I was home alone with my very energetic 21 month old. Not a good day. I feel like I got hit by a truck and then on top of that I had to chase my son around all day. So now I am laying in bed and hubby is taking care of the baby and I will probably be asleep before I even finish this entry. So my new promise is to blog everyday from now on--or until I get sick again--lol. Goodnight! ZZZZZzzzzzzzzz

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Baby Steps.....

Hello again!

I took a step in the right direction today. I reached out to my old friends from the WLC. I have heard back from a couple but for me it was more about putting myself out there again after all this time. It took great courage on my end to extend myself after all this time. I certainly felt embarrassed, ashamed and guilty but I had to just face the music.

They say that you are your worst enemy and your worst critic but I cant help but feel I have let people down along the way. It may seem like a small thing to do but its something. Baby steps.

I am vowing that I will post a blog every single day. Whether it be about the good, the bad, or the ugly. This will help me be accountable for the choices I make along the way.

The first goal I wanted to focus on was school and I have gotten the ball rolling on that already. I went to the college and applied. Now I just need to wait to hear from them before I can do anything else with the schooling.

While I am waiting for that to come through I am going to start with the weight loss journey. Like I said earlier, I have begun by trying to get myself out there within the WLC. I will be posting stats on here, such as, my weight and the foods I am eating as well as the exercises I am doing. I want to take the rest of this week to really get myself prepared, such as, food shopping and dusting off some exercise equipment. I will officially start that part of it next week. In the meantime I will focus on reaching out to some more people for support and accountability.

I feel really good about this and I really hope you can follow along. Thanks for taking the time to read this. I will post again tomorrow with some more good news (hopefully-lol).

What this is all about.......

Let me begin by thanking you for stopping by and taking the time to read this post/blog. This is a blog I am creating to document my journey through the many changes I need to make in my life. I am certainly not a newbie when it comes to taking a journey but I am a newbie when it comes to actually finishing a journey I have begun.

It was very difficult for me to finally decide to give it shot once again. I knew that changes had to be made in my life and it had to happen soon. What better time than a new year. So I am taking this time to write down my goals for myself in 2011. Here it is:

  • Get Healthy (exercise, eat right, lose weight)
  • Run a 5K
  • Do more charity work
  • Go back to school for LPN
  • Get Organized (my home, my mind, my life)
  • Stay calm and focused (not let anyone get to me or between my goals)
  • Enjoy my family (focus on husband, son and ME)
  • Stay Motivated (to accomplish my goals)

I am well aware that these things will not be easy and they also come with many challenges but these are things I need to get done for myself and especially my son. There is nothing I want more than for my son to be proud of his mom, not be ashamed of me and for me to be a positive role model in his life.

So, without further ado, may my life changing journey begin. May you follow along for support nad maybe even inspiration. I intend to document my journey every step of the way. Stay Tuned!